GIM, Music Therapy and Breath Body Mind:
Together, we will decide what you would like to focus on and explore issues in a safe way, using a combination of approaches depending on your needs, preference, and whether we meet in person or online. Where appropriate I can incorporate Breath Body Mind exercises into sessions to help balance the sympathetic/ parasympathetic nervous system, which are a good compliment to music and creative approaches.
Guided Imagery & Music (GIM)
The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM), accesses the inner world and deeper layers of consciousness, which can enable you to find different perspectives on issues you may be struggling with. It can strengthen your relationship to your sense of self, and help you discover previously inaccessible resources, which may support you as you move forward in life. If you are interested in personal development, struggling with anxiety, depression or trauma, complex pain or life-limiting illness, GIM may offer a creative and transformational approach to help you find answers. It can also aid exploration of the transpersonal or spiritual aspects of life.
A typical session lasts 1.5 hours and includes a preliminary conversation followed by a relaxation focusing on the breath. A musical programme is chosen to support exploration of issues raised at the beginning of the session, and you will talk to the therapist, who will guide you through the experience as your imagination unfolds relevant stories, images, sensations, symbols and metaphors to help you understand your situation better. This process is similar to Jung's Active Imagination technique, but in GIM, the music helps support the development of your imagery. Insights gained from the music experience may be integrated by drawing a mandala, as well as verbal processing to close the session.
Modifications of the Bonny Method:
Supportive Music and Imagery (SMI) is a less intensive approach to GIM, using shorter pieces of music of a more supportive nature, where the person needs help to develop inner resources and resilience before moving onto deeper work. These sessions are an hour long and also incorporate mandala making.
Music and Imagery (MI) in this approach more challenging pieces of music are used to help get closer to difficult issues, and can be used when the person has built up some resilience and is ready to work more deeply. These sessions are an hour long and also incorporate mandala making,
For further information on GIM please visit: https://ami-bonnymethod.org/ or http://musicandimagery.org/Links.html
Carl Jung refers to the mandala as “the psychological expression of the totality of the self,"
and they can be found in many different cultures, having been used since ancient times to aid spiritual growth, healing, and in mediation rituals. In GIM sessions, they are often used as part of the therapeutic process, and can support the exploration of insights gained from the musical experience. As a facilitator, I have completed a Certificate Programme in the use of mandalas for self development and personal insight, with Susanne Fincher and Marilyn Clark of the Creating Mandalas team.
Below are some examples of mandalas:

Supervision is a journey of two, it is like an improvised song: it creates itself in the here and now, out of material from the past. It starts from a specific title, word, or sentence, and travels to the unknown, that is based on the known.
(Dorit Amir, 2001)
I enjoy helping supervisees to explore the client/therapist relationship through the use of music and other creative media such as mandalas and dreamwork, and have considerable experience of providing online supervision as well as face to face sessions. I completed the first clinical supervision training for music therapists at the University of the West of England, and have supervised therapists working with adults with learning disabilities, running community choirs, in continuing care, acute mental health settings, and with older adults with mental health issues and dementia.
I have presented my work at the BAMT conference and Anglia Ruskin University and you can find out more about it in this article written with a supervisee, documenting some of the processes that can happen in online supervision, in the Approaches International Journal:
This is an active approach to therapy which involves therapist and client co-creating music to facilitate self-expression, communication, and explore feelings that may be too difficult to share in words. A typical session includes time for you to freely explore the instruments provided, such as tuned and untuned percussion or keyboard, whilst being supported by the therapist's sounds. It might also include singing familiar songs, writing songs about your experiences, and discussing the lyrics of pieces that might be important to you. Creating music together can help convey feelings in a safe way, and help you to feel heard and responded to, which might be a new and liberating experience.
You do not need to be musical to take part in music therapy, and you will be supported in your explorations. Sessions usually last 30-50 minutes depending on the person’s needs, and whether its a group or individual session.
I have more than 25 years experience as a professional music therapist, and have helped children and adults with special needs and profound learning disabilities, as well as people living with dementia. I have also helped adults struggling with a range of mental health issues in the NHS and voluntary settings.
For further information on music therapy visit the British Association for Music Therapy:
Breath Body Mind techniques are based on ancient exercise practices such as T'ai Chi, Chi Quong and Yoga, and distill ancient wisdom into a modern day breath practice called Coherant Breathing, developed by Drs Gerbarg and Brown who are psychiatrists working in the USA. Together they have researched the evidence base for BBM with traumatised populations including survivors of 9/11, the Rwanda genocide, Haiti earthquake, military veterans and with Ukranian civilians.
Through consistent practice its possible to influence the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and bring them into balance, so that fight-flight-freeze reactions and other distressing symptoms of anxiety and trauma can be more easily controlled. The exercises are also fun, relaxing and can be easily incorporated into a daily routine, and can be especially helpful for people struggling with ADHD. I have seen positive results in my work with traumatised people, and musicians experiencing performance anxiety.
more information can be found at this link: https://www.breath-body-mind.com/

Music Therapy: £65
Clinical Supervision: £50
Supportive Music and Imagery/ Music and Imagery : £65
Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music: £90
I offer a sliding scale and also work with students - please ask about low cost rates